Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Somethings I find strange

1. Garbage and how to get rid of it:
Back home we take our trashes to a container somewhere in our yard and then, eventually, a garbage truck will come and pick it up. Here it is bit different. Garbage car comes every night. You can hear it coming, because it plays a catchy tune, like ice cream truck back home. Then, you pick up your trashes, go to the street and throw your trashes to the car.

2. Bed and its height:
Several people who have seen my bed have been thinking that it might need to be lowered. It seems that my bed, which is normal height at least when compared to beds I've seen in Finland, is very high when compared to bed used here.

... to be continued.


Matti said...

Well, here all the garbage, including haz-mat such as car batteries, motor oil, biowaste, and spray cans, are thrown in a big hole in the ground and burned.

The air is periodically scented with the sweet smell of burning garbage. Rubber tires give an especially nice nuance to the eau-de-iringa.

When the hole eventually can't take any more ash, the hole is filled and a new one is dug next to it.

How about when you don't have any more room for new holes? No problem, you can put up a potato patch where the previous holes were.

Anonymous said...

You can see the difference, Matti is a privileged guy, they dig holes for him. In our case, the backyard is big enough so there is not need to worry about holes, a normal chemical waste bonfire will "recycle" away most of the stuff. Some of it will just fly away, like that half-burnt sandal I have seen in front of my door during the last 2 weeks.

Anonymous said...

There is crap all over the space between my dorm and the other neighboring building. It's from the dogs that tear open the trash when people leave it setting outside for the garbage truck instead of taking it out when the music begins to play.