Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Preparing for Taiwan

This evening we finished packing my suitcase for my trip to Taiwan. It seemed bit problematic and eventually we were not able to fit everything in. However, we wanted to check how much the suitcase has weight in it. We thought at it should not be a problem, but how wrong can a man be...

After weighting the suitcase couple of times, we ended up with 30 something kilos! That's quite awfully lot if you think that the limit is 20 kilos... Well, we ended up spending the whole damn evening while getting rid of stuff from the case. We ended up discarding stuff worth around 8 kilos.

Btw. equipment for ice hockey refereeing is about 6 kilos... it would have done life so much easier if I just would have discarded it, but somehow I just could not do it.


Anonymous said...

Oh Jussi!!!!

I know perfecly what you are talking about!!! It is amazing to realized how much things weight. At least you are not preparing to bring winter things with you along, because there the complication increases with volume.

Nevertheless, maybe you know already but just in case here it goes an idea that might help. There is a section for equipment sports while flying. And that language it is not consider part of the 20 kg. People use it for bikes, golf clubs, snowboards, etc. I have no idea if some of your ice-hokey things could squeeze in. Have you asked about that to your airline?

Anonymous said...

Proceedings of my favorite conference 1kg, Harry Potter 1kg, paper copies of my papers 0.5kg, back-up copies 0.5kg, a collection of my top 10 references of all time 0.5kg, a book about research I do my supervisor recommended 1kg,....

Anonymous said...

Two weeks ago I was a bit worried at Helsinki airport with my >26-kg suitcase, my 15-kg carry-on luggage, and my 12-kg laptop suitcase. They never asked or said anything.

Anonymous said...

I have been authorized to report that Jussi made it through with an expl..ups, not, that was the other guy.

Jussi is greeting you although his luggage weighted 24.6kg (imagine that!!, say wow everybody!), and he was wearing his ice-hockey helmet and nobody noticed.

We all wish Jussi a safe flight.