Tuesday, September 23, 2008

DNF 87

This is sort of training diary post.

19.9.2008, Vesikko

12 times 25 meters in 12 minutes, such that about 30sec dive + rest -> total 1 min each.

3 times 50 meters, with bit longer rests (couple mins, did not take time, should have).

approx 6 minutes rest.

87 meters. Quite easy, bit weird "tickling" in legs at some point and due to this I did not take the dive to absolute max.



Anonymous said...

You forgot to write more about your dynamic with fins personal record. How was the feeling in it, was it very tight, how you prepared to it etc. ;)

Anonymous said...

...this diver has not yet submitted a biography

now c'mon Jussi, say something nice, about how an event in your childhood made you hold your breath that formed the big lungs you got!


Jussian said...


Important point. However, I think I'll manage this time by just writing here:

dynamic with fins: fifty something. Done almost instantly after the 87 meter dive.